Monday, November 11, 2013

BIGGEST PET PEEVE... the moment.

When people, aka school friends, who live at home, and the extent of  their "grocery shopping" extends to which place their will eat out at for the day.... Ask you almost every single day to go out to eat even when you've told them that you can't afford it.
THEN they joke and make fun of you saying that you can afford it and blah blah blah, which makes you feel super embarrassed because you actually can't afford it.

 "It's just ten dollars!" they say.
YEAH, ten dollars.
Ten dollars can  buy a week and in my world two weeks worth of food when you have a budget of 50 bucks per month for food.

Monday, October 21, 2013


Thursday, May 9, 2013

Homeee, in good ol' Bolton where there are no jobsss. aahhh!! I've applied to over 15 jobs, I've had three interviews and have been to one job fair. I still don't have a joobbb. Plus, my phone decided to hate me one day and completely die. I actually believe it is a living thing and must have decided it didn't like me anymore and just pooped out.  Now I get to enjoy other things liiikee... tinker toy and longboarding.   Even though its sucks not to have a job and to figure out what to do about a phone, I cannot complain. I am just happy it is summer, it's warm and sunny and I already have a bit of a tan and that just makes me happy.  While I continue to look for a job a family from my parents church run their own Lego business. Basically they sell individual mini Lego figures and other specialized items. They buy their Lego in bulk and package it themselves individually. So they asked me to help package the individual figures. Since I'm not doing anything else productive or earning money I figured this was better than nothing.

The figures come in these packages that you can't tell which one they are, and they are all collectible. There are 16 different figures from a number of series. David tells me there are over 10 series, I've packaged figures from series 10, 3, 5 and 7. So now I have acquired the skill of knowing which mini figure belongs to each series. Fantastic skill right?!  Of course I'm going to provide a detailed description of the process of doing this because I obviously have nothing better to dooo. :)

The figures come in packages like this, so that you can't tell what they are.

They either come in a strip that can be hung in stores or in boxes.

I take the packages and cut them open and line them up.

 Then I dump the contents into my hand and then into a zip lock baggie. Suupeerr fuunn. 

 Soooo much legooo.

And more.
 anndd moooreee. 

Thousands of Lego figures. I feel like I'm in my own sweat shop. I've been sitting in this room for days doing this. I may go crazy soon, if I haven't already, but I'm still grateful to at least earn some money.   That's about all I've been up to, but, Medieval Times for the first time this saturday with the Momma! Hurray!! haha I'm a child, but I'm okay with that. 

Friday, April 19, 2013

Counting my blessings.

Today...well yesterday technically has been a great day. No, I did'nt finish exams, I didn't get a job, and I ate spaghetti for dinner...again. This morning brightand early and I mean early 8:00am early, I headed off to leddy library pondering why I hadn't just slept there...then I remembered it was because I think the desks are disgusting and how many germs there are. The day before (the 18th) hadn't been the best day, I was pretty sure I had failed my 8:30AM exam...actually.Why? Because half way through I realized I had been guessing... not because I hadn't studied but because I didn't even have the information in my notes or read it in the texbook...good ol' Roman Art & Archeology. Anyways, today (19th) I checked my mark and found I got a 79.5... my jaw dropped and I know that's not an amazing mark but I swear there has to be a mistake. But that is blessing number 1! Happyy dancing occured. Blessing number two, a wonderful Candace Muller brought me an amazing exam kit, complete with cookies,puzzles, stress ball, tattoos, and verses. Dropped off to me right there at Leddy. *smile*
Numero three!- first take home, super broad question, and for some reason even though it's just another essay I was panicking over my writing style because this prof doesn't seem to like it. I went to the GA who my friends and I have actually become friends with, he took a quick look and said he would take it right then and there if I had a title page..yeessss.
Number 4: last month I lost my ipod, it was in my backpack and then it wasn't. I gave up lookimg for it when I realized it looked like a tornadowent through my room. Today one of my roommates found it in a boot near the front door.. no idea how that happened but I am glad.
Numberr fivee: Realizing how many wonderful,amazing,funny, encouraging people I know and love. For some reason today I was just so happy to have so many Godly friends :).
Things learned today/reminded of.
1.check boots for ipods
2.try to have a better attitude for studying.
3.God is magnificently awesome.
Bring on the summer, let's see what's in store.  :)

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Perfect pick me up for a night like tonight. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


I just love having to sort through other people's dirty dishes to find something to eat on, and the fact that they take the dishes I've set aside. I love living in filthiness. 


I've been listening to this band for over a year now, just thought I'd share again.

This is pretty much my favourite song, but I love them all.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Reading Week

Things to do while at home alone

1. Watch movies with the sound at full blast (well as much as my ears could handle)

2. Occasionally scream/yell cause no one is there

3. Actually cook a real meal because you can actually use the whole oven/stove.

4. Look for pennies and find this in the couches.....disgusting

5.  Do homework.. lots of it
5.1  Realize that you have a lot to do still and then cry because you realize how much you suck at doing this sometimes and have a complete breakdown and wonder why you're even here. Yeah, that happened.

 5.2 Get over-yourself, stop crying and go to bed, and maybe have some cheese to feel better.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Snippits of January

Last month there was a weekend where it was incredibly warm. We decided to go to the art gallery...mostly because it is free.

In the top part of the building they had this great view of the river. 

I'm taking an Aboriginal history class and the Prof. encouraged us to go see the Idle No More Movement taking place at the bridge. I did. It was boring. I also realized on my walk home that I was listening to British Marching music on my ipod, music that I find makes me walk faster because I think I'm actually marching... I'm so lame. 

Snow, melt, rain, sun, snow, melt, rain, sun, aandd repeat.

Escaping to the river/bridge  to get away from wacko roommates.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


I'm so blessed to have this wonderful woman in my life. She is full of wisdom, patience and many other virtues. I'm so thankful that she listens to my hurts,worries, and questions and she provides such meaningful advice. She's also hilarious and just cheers me up :).  Tonight is a happy night. 

Sunday, January 13, 2013

I'm Hurt

ggaahh. what's worse than an argument with your brother? one over skype. what a great start to this week. I don't know what to dooo. Bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive.Col. 3:13 Why is this so haard??

Friday, January 11, 2013

First Week

Friday, yay, first week of class, done. In the beginning of this week I messed up my whole schedule mostly after talking to everyone else trying to change courses for history. I ended up attempting to take  theater history which was a horrible idea. I mean when the prof clearly distinguishes by the raising of hands which students are drama students and which one's aren't and then she and the drama students make fun of other students, mainly the history one, that was it. I was done. 
 All is well now and I'm ready to just get back to work. 

This was from New Year's Eve when Mairi came to spend the night with me and Emily also came to go to an all-nighter with Sarah. 

Mairi and I wen to Nathan Philips Square which had an outdoor concert as well as skating. Before we were allowed to skate there was a Disney skating show, which is the only picture I really have of the evening. We were cold and slightly bored so we left around 10:30 and ended being on the road for 2013 haha, still lots of fun :).

I just discovered this on my phone yesterday from when Emily was at our house. I love her lots :).

I am also house/apartment hunting, which is really time consuming and annoyingg. I hate finding places to live, and moving...again.  Buutt at least I would no longer be living with 5 girls, oh gosh the drama that ensues.  Who knew that girls could actually be so messy and disgusting?  Liiikee today, one of my roommates who is the youngest and clearly comes from a very spoiled background, actually cleaned the washroom upstairs that she shares with two others. It was shocking because she never cleans or picks up after herself.

 Just went I had hope that she had changed her habits, I overheard her talking to another roommate (who is equally untidy) stating,  " I cleaned the washroom and put another light bulb in, now it's so bright and clean."   

Roommate 2 " oh yay!, I love when things are clean." 

Me (in my head) "oh really, that's a lie"  
Roommate 1, "Yeah but I probably won't want to clean it again and now that there is a new light bulb we will be able to see the dirt more when it gets dirty". 

Roommate 2, " Yeah, that's true..hhm"  

Roommate 1, " I know! When it starts getting dirty we can just take the other light-bulb out so that we don't see the dirt".  

Roommate 2, "That's a great idea!".

They seriously thought it was the greatest idea ever. I sat there staring at them in utter disbelief.  So ridiculous.  

I really do enjoy living here, it's just sometimes... I don't know, I thought I was messy...which I am, but how some things look around here... scares me. haha