Friday, February 22, 2013

Reading Week

Things to do while at home alone

1. Watch movies with the sound at full blast (well as much as my ears could handle)

2. Occasionally scream/yell cause no one is there

3. Actually cook a real meal because you can actually use the whole oven/stove.

4. Look for pennies and find this in the couches.....disgusting

5.  Do homework.. lots of it
5.1  Realize that you have a lot to do still and then cry because you realize how much you suck at doing this sometimes and have a complete breakdown and wonder why you're even here. Yeah, that happened.

 5.2 Get over-yourself, stop crying and go to bed, and maybe have some cheese to feel better.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Snippits of January

Last month there was a weekend where it was incredibly warm. We decided to go to the art gallery...mostly because it is free.

In the top part of the building they had this great view of the river. 

I'm taking an Aboriginal history class and the Prof. encouraged us to go see the Idle No More Movement taking place at the bridge. I did. It was boring. I also realized on my walk home that I was listening to British Marching music on my ipod, music that I find makes me walk faster because I think I'm actually marching... I'm so lame. 

Snow, melt, rain, sun, snow, melt, rain, sun, aandd repeat.

Escaping to the river/bridge  to get away from wacko roommates.