Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Things of December and Christmas

Earlier this month, myself and some of my roommates went to the Santa Parade. I really enjoy parades for some reason.

Standing on horses!

Danielle and I.

During exam time, Leddy was of course super hot, but it got so bad that the doors were TIED open to let fresh air in and the librarians had fans for themselves.

Not only was there vandalism of my street but also on campus... although it only amounted to all of these pole things being knocked over, why someone would take the time to do this I do not know... haha.

Yummy food had with my momma at home.

Now that my parents church basically sees me as a heathen and wishes to talk/lecture me upon appearance, (I may have some bitterness against being lectured time and time again over being baptized ..gosh I'm so rebellious...nat) I've been going to a few churches in the area. This was a mega-church in Mississauga called Elevation, where I got a free turkey after! 

My mother had refused to cook a turkey and since this was my turkey I decided to take a stab at it. 

Three hours later, turkey and muffins!

Every year David gives each girl a gift, this year he gave a gift to myself and my mom, or as David would write "all the grils and Mom".

Apparently my parents still think of me as quite childish. Toy Story pillowcase and lego figures.

And Tinkertoy! I had and loved it as a kid but it had disappeared over the years. My parents got me some for Christmas and I am not ashamed to state that I played with it all day, I made a crane and a tractor. :)

That is all for now. 

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